In March of 2022, I was lost. For 22 years, I had chased one goal. To reach the highest levels of sports broadcasting. Now, that goal was gone. And along with it, my tangible community and more importantly my self-identity. I was no longer the “Voice of the Hokies.” So, who was I?
Read MoreI’m not great at doing this, but there were a few moments that night that I caught myself thinking ‘none of this existed six months ago.’ Not the relationships with business leaders and like-minded individuals who share our vision of what the Ladybugs can be. Six months ago there was no Laaser’s Ladybug Society. There had been no donations to the school districts. There was no Ladybug logo. There weren’t people wearing our hoodies, hats and taking home our golf head covers. There had been no Pickleball tournament, happy hour, mini-golf tournament, cornhole event and website.
Read MoreHowever, this morning I was thinking about the masks and costumes we wear year-round. I have always attempted to dive deeper than the surface when it comes to outward perception. We as a society don’t do much of that anymore, but that’s a blog for another time.
Oftentimes, we read people by their cover. And oftentimes that person wants to be read by the cover they are projecting. I know that has been true for me.
Read MoreBeginnings can be scary, and ending are usually sad. But it’s the middle that counts the most. I reference that line from the movie “Hope Floats” because I think it’s a true statement for most people; not just a hyper-anxious human like me. Leaving Blacksburg after seven years and starting our new venture as Laaser’s Ladybug Society was incredibly tough.
Read MoreJon’s life had no balance. How the Ladybugs have changed that, and led him back to the broadcast booth. Just in a different and more balanced way.
Read MoreFull disclaimer: I am not a patient person. Patience has never been a virtue I’ve possessed. I am all of the stereotypes of a Northeasterner. I like things fast-paced, to the point and will gladly skip over pleasantries with others while I’m trying to get my coffee in the morning. Go to any Wawa in the Northeast on a weekday morning when it’s $1 coffee day and watch that line zip along! I walk fast, talk fast, and don’t like wasting time. That’s how I was raised, that’s how I’m wired.
Read MoreJon and his late dad Mark enjoyed a bond through many things, but mini-golf helped ease a transition in both of their lives in 1989. Those enduring memories have led to the creation of the Laaser’s Ladybug Mini-Golf Classic in Mark’s honor. Please read and register!
Read MoreParney text me one day when I told him we were coming back “I support that decision. Let the embrace of Richmond help you build your Society.” He was right. And it has.
Read MoreRight out of college when I was in my early-20’s, I found myself in an abusive relationship that lasted over two years. The actual abuse was something that built gradually. First, it was verbal and telling me that I “was a joke” and “a f***ing loser”. Then it was grabbing my arm violently and trying to pull me in whatever direction he thought I should go. Finally, it turned more physically violent when I was choked, thrown against a wall and furniture, and chased through his apartment.
Read MoreWe certainly are striving for the simple recognition of awareness of the issue and the openness to have difficult conversations surrounding mental health. But beyond that, we want the initial shirts and other apparel that will come, to serve as a call to action. A uniform of sorts, signifying an allegiance to the fight, and the willingness to become involved.
Read MoreWe also have a lofty goal that the ladybug will eventually evolve into a recognizable symbol for mental health and wellness, the same way the puzzle piece is widely associated with autism.
Read MoreHowever, one of the simplest ways to do something to help has been around forever. Play.
Read More“We’re starting a nonprofit and that’s it? No other jobs?”
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